Before making any loan application online, people are encouraged to take a pause and think about whether they are safe. One thing you can rest assured of when working with Lendela is that it is absolutely safe. For Lendela, one of its primary pillars is ensuring clients' data is safe. This commitment is what has made most loan applicant's come back with positive feedback about Lendela.
Lendela is fully allowed to operate its business in Singapore. One of the requirements of the allowance is ensuring that user information is kept securely and only used for the purpose it is intended for. Therefore, it will be against the law for Lendela to fail to secure the client's information. Indeed, clients have a right to seek legal redress should they find their info being used against the prescribed terms.
For Lendela, the focus and effort to keep clients safe is based on the desire to follow the best practices and surpass the minimum standards set by law. For example, we are driven by a strong focus on ethics when drawing policies that guide our operations. So, whether you are applying for a loan or using Lendela resources to understand different aspects of loans on offer, rest assured of one thing – Lendela is safe.
Your Data is Not Shared with Third Parties
Have you ever wondered about what happens when you provide data to a service provider? For Lendela, every effort is directed at protecting your data. We do not share any data related to you as an individual or your loan application unless it's essential in the process of finding you the best possible loan offer. Therefore, the only other party that potentially gets to access your details is the bank or financial institution that we partner with. All our partnering banks and financial institutions are also obligated by law to follow the privacy laws in Singapore.
You do not have to worry about the financial institutions because they are all allowed to offer financial services in Singapore. This means they are required to follow all the rules of operations, which include protecting the customer data.
Lendela Uses the Latest Technology to Keep Client’s Data Secure
One fact about data protection today is that it is only possible if you are using the latest technology. For Lendela, this is done through advanced encryption, which makes it extra difficult for anyone to gain access. Furthermore, the system is updated regularly to ensure it is running on the latest security protocols for enhanced safety.
Excellent Support
To guarantee the people making applications for loans that Lendela is safe, our company also maintains professional support that can help to resolve any concern fast. So, whether you simply want to know more about loan applications or find out what happens to your personal info, the support will be there to answer all the questions.
For Lendela, there is nothing as important as security. Our customers do not need to feel worried about their personal details because no effort is spared to protect their details and communication. So, if you want to make an application for a personal loan, car financing, consolidation loan, renovation loan, Lendela is here for you. The process is pretty short – you apply (in a few minutes), compare your personalised offers and choose your best option, sign the loan agreement, and the process is done.