Is there ever a time when you are looking for the best rates for your personal loan but have no idea where to find it? Some of us visit multiple websites to compare the rates from different financial institutions, which is time consuming and does not really give any valuable insights about what kind of offers that are available uniquely for us. You may not even understand the difference between all loan plans despite going through the information again and again...
Besides, even if you are able to find clear information online, you may not know if it is a legitimate website or lending service. It is obvious to tell which the real bank websites are, but how can you tell which are legit financial institution websites?
Ministry of Law's website will include a list of licensed financial institutions and their details, which they update every month. By going through this list, you will be able to know whether the licensed institution has a website and their correct contact details, should you require to contact them. Some companies have no websites but it may appear when you search on Google for instance. Do take note that these websites may be scammers who poses themselves as legit institutions. Thus, you can always trust the list presented by the Ministry of Law.
Apply With Lendela
Lendela helps you to find the best personal loan in Singapore. All you have to do is to submit your application and our team will matchmake you with the best loan offers that meet your needs. Lendela partners with various legit financial institutions, and by submitting your application with us, we will be able to compare multiple loan offers personalised for you in just one page.
How Does it Work?
You may start your journey by filling out the application form on our website. Then, just let us do the rest!
Once you have submitted your application, we will send your it to our partners who will return with their best personalised offer, most of the time within hours! Worried about leaving your personal details in the application form? Rest assured that your application will be masked and our partner will not be able to see your full details before you accept their offer.
So how exactly are they able give you a personalised offer? They will only see certain details in your application such as your monthly income, existing debt and the duration of your current employment. They will provide an offer based on this type of information and if needed, based on your documents that you will upload in your Lendela account as well. We will not share your contact details with them and you will not be subject to advertisement from their side!
Once you have compared your loan offers, it is time to make a choice! At this point, the lender that you have chosen will be able to see your full application data in order to do further verification. We then arrange an appointment for you at the selected institution's office to sign the contract agreement and receive the cash!
Why Should You Trust and Apply on Lendela?
Before you submit any application online, it is important to make sure that the website is safe. You may find out more about whether the website is safe by checking on the company's Google Reviews and see if they have social media pages (such as Facebook pages) that verify their service and company. There should also be enough information on the website and nothing suspicious or vague to verify if it is legitimate.
So, what is so great about Lendela and why should you apply with Lendela to enquire about your personal loan?
All you have to do is to submit your application and let the Lendela team do the rest! We understand that it may be troublesome for you to manually contact different financial institutions and head down to their offices just to enquire their rates. With just a single Lendela application, you will receive multiple rates from different licensed financial institutions. You do not have to worry about having to submit multiple forms before you decide to proceed to go down and take up the loan offer.
Outstanding Customer Service
At Lendela, our customer relationship executives will reach out to you upon application submission, to explain the service and next steps. We aim to find out exactly what you are looking for and by doing so, we will be able to matchmake you with a financial institute based on your preferred rate and general situation! You do not have to worry about having uncertainties before you decide to proceed with your loan as our team will answer all your queries!
Lendela offers full transparency when it comes to matching you with partners. We present neutral loan offers and do not promote any specific partner for our own interest. Rather, we will understand your needs and match you with the financial institution that has a higher possibility of helping you with a great loan offer. In other words, your needs always come first!
Our platform is also safe to use as we do not share your data with any third parties. We will only share your information to a specific partner when it is necessary to process your selected loan.
Integration with the Singapore Government
Lendela has a coordination of working arrangements with Singpass whereby we allow our users to pre-fill their information in the application form, and it is 100% secure. Trust that your private details will be kept within Lendela and only used for your loan process purposes.
Free Of Charge
We all love free stuff but is there really anything free in this world? Fret not, Lendela is free for anyone to use and we do not charge any fees for our matchmaking service. This because we get a small service fee from our partners once they process a loan to any of our users. Hence, you do not have to worry about having to keep some extra cash when looking for a loan.
With this guide, you can stop worrying about not getting enough information about personal loans in Singapore, or where to turn to be able to make an informed decision about your lending options. You will also avoid landing on suspicious websites and falling into scams or illegal lending if you stuck to Lendela. Save time and energy – and follow our guide!
Key Takeaways
- Immediate loans are unsecured loans with fast approval time that can help you get funds immediately to meet a wide variety of financial needs.
- How much cash you can borrow with an immediate loan depends on various factors including your annual income, credit score, and other current debts. However, if your immediate loan is ultimately rejected, it’s always a good idea to have an alternative plan in mind.
- Using a loan comparison site like Lendela can help make applying for an immediate loan in Singapore fast and easy. In just a few easy steps, Lendela can provide you with a list of personalised pre-approved offers from trusted banks and financial institutions.