The Lendela Team

The Lendela Team

At Lendela, we are here to help you navigate your loan journey with accurate loan offers and reliable counsel, so that you can make the best borrowing decision with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.

All article from The Lendela Team

How to check credit score in Singapore

Did you know that a detailed history of credit payment is on record and accessible by financial organisations, such as banks and insurance, and greatly impacts how they view you as a borrower? This might sound scary, but it is a fact of life in...

Issues to consider before being a guarantor for a car loan in Singapore

If a friend, business associate or family member has approached you to act as a guarantor for a car loan in Singapore, take a moment to understand the consequences before appending your signature.Many are the times when guarantors sign agreements...

Wedding financing in Singapore: What options do you have?

A wedding is perhaps the most important event in a couple's life because it presents a unique opportunity to share joy with relatives and friends. To make the wedding enthralling, it requires meticulous planning that starts months before the...

Car loan refinancing in Singapore: Answers to common questions

Did you know that it is possible to get car loan refinancing in Singapore and enjoy lower interest rates? Well, it might actually be simpler than you think, and we will tell you all about it. In this post, we will take a deeper look at car loan...

Personal loan for self-employed in Singapore

Can you take a personal loan if self-employed in Singapore? Yes, you can, but the conditions for the loan are slightly different compared to those set out for the employed persons. Unlike the employed persons who have direct income that lenders...

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