The Lendela Team

The Lendela Team

At Lendela, we are here to help you navigate your loan journey with accurate loan offers and reliable counsel, so that you can make the best borrowing decision with a clearer mind and a lighter heart.

All article from The Lendela Team

Debunking Loan Myths: How To Make Informed Borrowing Decisions in Singapore

In the realm of personal finance, myths and misconceptions about loans abound, often clouding the judgment of borrowers. When seeking a personal loan in Singapore, making informed decisions is crucial to your financial well-being. We'll...

How To Manage Your Student Loan Debt in Singapore

For many Singaporean students, pursuing higher education often involves taking out student loans to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs. While student loans can provide the financial support needed to achieve academic...

Why are cars in Singapore so expensive?

We all have complained and heard friends from overseas asking why cars are so expensive here in Singapore. With only 9081 km of roads in Singapore, we can only imagine how clogged the roads would be if cars and vehicles were similarly priced to...

Time for a house? Buying your first home (BTO, resale, sale of balance flats)

Thinking of proposing? Marriage and children around the corner? Or just looking to move out and live independently and away from your parents? Buying a home will be the most important financial decision you will make in your life. Unless you have...

The basics of loans

Did you know there are different types of interest rates?Effective interest rate (EIR)Applied / Flat interest rate (AIR / FIR)Don’t be confused or fooled by these complicated terms. AIR/FIR is the actual interest rate that the bank charges whereas...

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